Take A Stroll Around The Neighborhood
Take a look around our neighborhood. Here, it’s about limitless possibilities…Saturdays in the park, biking to the grocery store, Wednesday date night just down the sidewalk. Reawakening curiosity as the kids discover their own adventures in the park. Welcome to life outside your front door.

The Parks
When complete, 751 South will contain 14 parks, 55-acres of open green space, and unstructured nature trails that weave through woodlands. Preserving the beauty of the land was a key motivator before the pen ever hit the drawing board. Our vision was to transform where we live into a place that makes us live well, where curiosity reawakens and imagination has a backdrop.
Here, you’ll have every reason to get out of your home and into the fresh air, with plentiful opportunities to unplug, or reconnect with the ones who matter. Go ahead and put your toes in the grass, here it’s easy to discover a fresh perspective.
How About A Bit Of Urban With Your Suburban
751 South blends what’s best about urban and suburban living. Oversized walkways connect residents to a vibrant shopping and dining district–encouraging walking or biking to recreation, entertainment, and conveniences. Visit the grocer just down the walkway, or walk the kids to elementary school, all without leaving your neighborhood. As our neighborhood grows, so will the possibilities. How about a Wednesday date night? (Why wait until Friday, your favorite place is a bike ride away.)

How About A Bit Of Urban With Your Suburban
751 South blends what’s best about urban and suburban living. Oversized walkways connect residents to a vibrant shopping and dining district–encouraging walking or biking to recreation, entertainment, and conveniences. Visit the grocer just down the walkway, or walk the kids to elementary school, all without leaving your neighborhood. As our neighborhood grows, so will the possibilities. How about a Wednesday date night? (Why wait until Friday, your favorite place is a bike ride away.)

Connected Living
Though there will be many opportunities to disconnect and enjoy a bit of nature, (did we mention the 14 parks and 55-acres of open green space?) here you can also stay connected – anywhere. As a high-speed fiber connected neighborhood, 751 South offers the best in modern living, but with a steady focus on preserving the natural resources and beauty of the land.